Guided 6 week program from expert coach, Jill Stewart with 20 years experience who will coach you every step of the way in a way you haven't done strength training or Pilates.

Hips, Core + Pelvic Floor

50% off limited time offer

6 weeks – complete training program

This isn’t just another 6 week fitness course. It’s a well thought out program using smart strength training, integrative Pilates, and quality coaching to master foundations for everyBODY to move well.

You are going to feel your core, glutes and legs like never before!

This is exactly what I use with all my 1:1 clients in the first 6 weeks to get them feeling muscles they haven’t felt before!

This course is loaded with value and full length classes with me coaching you every step of the way.

In my 20 years experience I know exactly what people need to get the results they want to live a happier healthier life and move with confidence. And it is all here for you to GET STARTED.

It’s time to kick start your journey with my method to feeling good again in your body

Let’s keep it easy, let’s keep it simple and let’s get moving together.

If you feel you are going in circles and not getting results, what you are doing isn’t working…

She really helps us focus and understand how to properly do the exercises. Small things we learned with you make a huge difference on how to work out, and the results.

"Working with Jill was a game changer."

Time, motivation after work is hard with 3 kids. But the results speak for themselves: I normally get significant back pain once or twice a year but it hasn't happened since I started with Jill.

"The results speak for themselves."

You have a plan here for 6 weeks (8 weeks of access) and the best results come when you are consistent and follow the plan.

What you Get:

A Comprehensive Training Plan

Follow along videos of me coaching you through every exercise in the plan each week.

Easy-To-Follow Coaching

Simple and easy to follow so you just have to show up and I will guide you every step of the way

Just Press Play!

You will be guided through a series of foundational videos and have the opportunity to integrate this work in full length Pilates and strength classes.

Smart Progressions

You don't have to find a class that fits your schedule or commute to the gym or PT. You have it all there at your finger tips.

Simple to use and you don't have to find exercises or think of how to fill your time training.

The best part of this program is it is all there for you.

When we are able to simplify this process and start feeling comfortable training at home with the right guidance we are going to build confidence, strength and feel we are moving in the right direction. There is no better feeling than getting that workout done. When it is simple and easy to follow we start to see that we move towards reconnecting with that part of us that has taken a back seat to life, to kids to our work.

We start to feel our body again and find a new version of ourselves that is back!

Having a plan and a coach there to guide you allows you to stay on track in the program and do it all at home!

As soon as I started with Jill I knew it was different. Her cues are unreal and I feel everything she says in my body so much more when I train with her. I have worked with so many other professionals and nothing compares to what I have achieved with Jill. She will blow you away.

"I have worked with so many other professionals and nothing compares to what I have achieved with Jill."

115 USD – 90 GBP

*Prices are approximate due to currency fluctuations.
*Access is for 8 weeks from date of purchase.

Now Only 56 USD – 45 GBP 

Get it now for 50% off - Limited time only!